UDC 004


Sidorova Julia Sergeevna1, Meshcheryakova Elena Nikolaevna2
1Penza State Technological University, student
2Penza State Technological University, Senior Lecturer, Department of ITS

In 2014, almost half of all reported crimes (45%) is theft of another's property, 11% of which were associated with illegal penetration into dwelling, a premise or other storehouse [4]. Technical complex "Smart house" is currently a popular mainly in people with high incomes. Chance of intruders in a private property for the purpose of embezzlement in these homes is significantly higher. The most optimal and best solution to protect against intrusion is installing alarm systems. Thus, the chosen topic for the research is relevant. We will consider modeling algorithms to provide information processes burglar alarm technically complex "smart house".

Keywords: control panel, detector, fire alarm, mechanism of programming, the centralized supervision, the control panel

Article reference:
Modeling algorithms provide information processes burglar alarm technical complex "Smart House" // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/en/2015/09/7909

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