Author: kojevnikovav

Author's name: Кожевников Александр Вячеславович

Information about author:
кандидат технических наук, доцент,
заведующий кафедрой Электроэнергетики и электротехники
ФГБОУ ВПО «Череповецкий государственный университет»

Articles of the author in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Особенности настройки уровня прокатки на широкополосных горячих станах

№ 8 August 2013

Особенности настройки механизмов уравновешивания шпиндельных устройств рабочих клетей прокатных станов

№ 9 September 2013

Моделирование и исследование колебательных процессов в приводах листовых прокатных станов

№ 9 September 2015

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kozhevnikov A.V. Modernization of educational process in the application of a multifunctional approach to the development and implementation of engineering education programs based on CDIO standards

May, 2014

Kozhevnikov A.V. Interdisciplinary projects in developing practice-oriented engineering education programs in the framework of international standards CDIO

June, 2014

Kozhevnikov A.V. Development of integrated engineering education programs networking with secondary and higher education institutions in the implementation of international standards CDIO

September, 2014

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kozhevnukova I.A. Development and iplementation of training specialist for metallurgical production in compliance with international standards CDIO

May, 2015