Articles by keyword «энергоэффективность»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Проблема энергоэффективности дутьевых вентиляторов в коксохимическом производстве

№ 5 May 2013

Анализ современных микротурбинных двигателей

№ 5 May 2014

Усовершенствование метода определения теплоизоляционных свойств шкафа многокамерных бытовых холодильных приборов

№ 9 September 2015

Анализ программных обеспечений, позволяющих моделировать сложные технические системы

№ 12 December 2015

Проблемы энергоэффективного строительства в Российской Федерации

№ 11 November 2016

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Lozina L.A., Voloshchuk K.M. State and prospects for energy efficiency in Krasnoyarsk region

April, 2012

Sorokina A.V. The core problems of energy efficiency in the Russian Federation and recommendations on its improving using foreign experience

May, 2014

Bruss E.A. Use of energy saving technologies in the construction

January, 2016

Gribova E.V., Chernetscova A.M., Borisova N.I., Borisov A.V. World and national development of "green" technologies in modern urban planning

March, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Грызунова В.Д., Калашникова Е.С. Солнечные коллекторы, как альтернативный источник энергии и способ энергоэффективности

May, 2012

Tsurkan M.V. Approaches to an assessment of power effective regional investment projects of the Program of support of local initiatives (on the example of the Tver region)

May, 2014

Iakovleva E.V., Lavrik A.U. Use of piezoelectric material for the efficiency upgrading for small generation

May, 2014

Strizhova T.A. Comparative characteristics of circuit breakers medium voltage with respect to their efficiency

November, 2014

Gofman V.R., Golovanova A.A. Revisiting the sustainability of actual energy efficient light sources in the housing resources

February, 2015

Tsurkan M.V. For questions about energy saving and energy efficiency: the regional and local aspects

April, 2015

Zhukovsky Y.L., Siziakova E.V. Modern teaching technologies in energy conservation and energy efficiency

May, 2015

Stremilova O.S., Gorbunov R.V., Palkin G.A. Hardware and software complex calculation feasibility of installing led lighting

June, 2015

Chumadova L.I., Skorikov M.Y., Stepanian T.G., Morozov M.V., Vestnikov D.M. Thermal characteristics of liquid ceramic insulation material based on aluminum silicate and sodium borosilicate microspheres

January, 2016

Arkhipova N.A. Prospects for the development of energy efficient construction in Russia

March, 2016

Chaadaeva V.V. Energy efficiency and energy saving management on the basis of modern information technologies

March, 2016

Pavlova D.V. Analysis and research problems of district heating pipes with pre-insulated PPU and PPM

May, 2016

Chaadaev V.K. The organization of zones of the region account on water supply networks

June, 2016

Chaadaev V.K. Operating conditions of the operator of the commercial accounting of energy resources

June, 2016

Filyakova E.I., Volkova L.A. The concept of architectural-construction of hi-tech vertical farms formation in urban area

September, 2016

Bogdanova E.O. Green Construction in Russia

November, 2016

Kurilov K.Y. Evaluation of financial and economic activity petrochemical poromyshennosti Samara region

December, 2016

Kryltcov S.B., Pudkova T.V. Review of modern topologies of the power unit of high power wind turbines

December, 2016

Kabanov O.V., Panfilov S.A. Algorithm of an automated setup for determination of thermal properties of objects

February, 2017

Kabanov O.V., Panfilov S.A. Modern problems of creation of technical means of energy saving in system energy efficient heat supply

March, 2017

Perunkov M.A., Shamin A.A. Using numerical methods for the calculation of solar panels

April, 2017

Perunkov M.A., Shamin A.A. Calculation of basic energy efficiency of Gratzel Cells

April, 2017

Методы ресурсосбережения при эксплуатации утилизационных теплообменников на ГПА-Ц-16

December, 2017

Качество микроклимата в энергоэффективных зданиях

January, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Нормативно-правовая база в сфере энергоэффективности и энергосбережения

December, 2018