Articles by keyword «программирование»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Создание автоматизированной информационной системы «Продажа билетов на авиалинии» средствами программирования С#

№ 11 November 2015

Приближение к идеалу в системах автоматического управления

№ 6 June 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Mayer R.V. Various models of process of the learning, based on the numerical solution of the differential equations

October, 2013

Mayer R.V. Educational variants of computer models of a nuclear reactor

March, 2014

Volkov E.I., Bazhenov R.I. Development of a software system "Scanner social tiels"

May, 2014

Kozlov S.V. The analysis of results of experimental activity on studying of bases of object-oriented programming in a school course of informatics

June, 2014

Shakirova Z.K. English as a necessity for a programmer

November, 2014

Mayer R.V. The accounting of change of durability of knowledge when training: modeling in Excel spreadsheets

January, 2015

Berestok G.M., Gulyaev P.Y., Dolmatov A.V., Milyukova I.V. Optical control system of thermal parameters of SH-synthesis process

February, 2015

Martyniuk J.M., Vankova V.S., Danilenko S.V. Education students through creative programming tasks

July, 2015

Zargaryan E.V., Zargaryan Y.A., Malishenko I.M., Bogatirev N.S. Development of software modules affect the visibility of the information in the operating system

November, 2015

Dmitriev V.L., Evdokimova N.L., Mukhametova L.K. The role of game projects in teaching programming

December, 2015

Martynuk J.M., Vankova V.S., Ugarov A.S. The formalization of the labyrinth in graph theory

December, 2015

Grigoryev N.A., Varfolomeeva T.N. Aspects of philosophy in programming

January, 2016

Markova Y., Ugarov A. Influence of mathematical model on efficiency of algorithm

March, 2016

Shumilin A.A., Beliakova D.G., Salmin A.A. Using the C# programming language to develop a testing program

June, 2016

Julia M., Valentinа V., Sophia D. Creative tasks as an element training of programmers

October, 2016

Dmitriev V.L., Batirshin A.I. The basic of working with the string class in C++ for students

December, 2016

Tchernetsov M.V., Kalashnikova A.A. Modern methods of building sites

December, 2016

Arkatova K.A., Varfolomeeva T.N. The use of web-visualization in a school course program

December, 2016

Kuvaytsev A.V. Implementation of console application to multiply two matrices in C#

December, 2016

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. Javascript programming language

September, 2017

Разработка программного обеспечения для автоматического кредитного скоринга на основе машинного обучения

June, 2018

Электротехника и компьютерное моделирование

June, 2019

Значение оптимизации при работе в Exel

December, 2019

AnyLogic – мнение о программе

December, 2020

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kozlov S.V. The analysis of results of participation of pupils in day of science on informatics in a context of the organization of profile training

April, 2014

Kozlov S.V. Structure, contents and specifics of computing practice of students of a mathematical profile of the direction of preparation "Pedagogical education"

July, 2014

Kozlov S.V. The use of graphics solutions in the development of educational games in the classroom for informatics in the school of a physical and mathematical profile

April, 2015

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Kozlov S.V. About training of school students for participation in the Olympiads on informatics

January, 2015

Kozlov S.V. The contents and features of development of the educational and methodical multimedia project on mathematics "For the aid to the school student" in the environment of programming of Lazarus

May, 2015

Kozlov S.V. The contents and features of development of game multimedia projects of training in mathematics in the environment of programming of Lazarus

June, 2015

Dmitriev V.L., Batirshin A.I. About dynamic memory allocation for array elements in C++

January, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Sencirow V.V. Teaching discipline «Human and aesthetic factor programming»

September, 2014

Mayer R.V. Use of computer models when studying astronomies: calculation of the movement of Mars on the heavenly sphere

December, 2014

Martynuk J.M., Vankova V.S., Ugarov A.S. The formalization of the labyrinth in graph theory

December, 2015

Mayer R.V. Formation of cognitive interest to informatics: the task about a turtle

April, 2016