УДК 004.05


Худайбергенов Тимур Артурович1, Ким Татьяна Юрьевна2
1Ташкентский Университет Информационных технологий, Ургенчский филиал, ассистент преподавателя
2Ташкентский Университет Информационных технологий, Ургенчский филиал, магистр 1 курса

В работе предлагается концепция проведения лабораторных и практических занятий по техническим дисциплинам связанным с ИКТ, технология контроля над показателями учащихся и их стимуляцией к обучению. Приведены возможности и ограничения технологии, полученные в результате аналитических исследований.

Ключевые слова: виртуализация, технические ВУЗы


Khudaybergenov Timur Arturovich1, Kim Tatyana Yurevna2
1Tashkent University of Information Technology, Urgench branch, Teaching Assistant
2Tashkent University of Information Technology, Urgench branch, 1st year master

This paper proposes a concept of laboratory and practical training in technical subjects related to ICT, the technology of control over performance of students and stimulating learning. Given the possibilities and limitations of technology resulting from the analyzes.

Keywords: technical universities, virtualization

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Худайбергенов Т.А., Ким Т.Ю. Virtualization - the solution of practical problems in technical universities // Современная техника и технологии. 2016. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/2016/02/9283 (дата обращения: 21.01.2025).

Actuality: feature as one of the limits of use value in the organization of higher professional writing has different manifestations. Firstly, and probably most important – is the effectiveness of the graduates of the institute acquired knowledge and skills according to the direction. The technical education program is the main knowledge and skills that provide exploration and production at the creation of a competitive product.

In view of these factors in this article is to study the more used methods in the field of, in particular the supposed use of “pseudo-active” of informative – virtualization is more efficient in training.

In the present period of the formation of MI reached the highest value if it is allowed to consider more applicable in the area of training, to the distinctive features of communication specialists. It’s no secret that the aim of young IT professionals and the neighboring regions adopted their own learning directly from the installation on your PC performance modifications studied concepts. Directly the formation of forecasting makes it possible, which is more active. Programs such as the Packet Tracer – Organization to investigate SAP and computer networks based on Cisco equipment and concepts mat simulation as MATLAB, today applied to the whole of society completely.

A simulation model – a computer program, which represents the structure and activities of the real system in time. They are given the opportunity to acquire details on the operation of various aspects of the concept depending on the input data and other consequences.

Imitation models have great potential in the modest demands on the technical platform. Over this strategy certain communities and giving companies the opportunity to use your own prediction program, which gives us a huge advantage. In addition, the use of them provides us a significant platform for testing, operation and conduct research at the demonstration equipment, which are not suitable and not rarely dangerous.

However, to date the modeling aspect, as if it is not good and is available obviously inadequate in any way at least, due to the fact that they do not provide the actual operation ability with informative systems. MI does not cease to be the object of scientists and experts.

The proposed theory does not deny the merits of simulation model and the needs of its application in the field of creation, but gives complement to application of virtualization. In a broad sense, the concept of virtualization represents a real hide the implementation of a process of an object from a true sight for someone who just uses it. Virtualization product is considered to be something suitable for use in the process of having the most difficult or completely different structure, which differs from that which is perceived as working with the object. In other words, separates opinions from the sale of anything. In ICT, the term “virtualization” usually refers to the abstraction of calculated resource and provide the user of the system, which “encapsulates” (conceals) its implementation.

The term “virtualization” in computer developments emerged in the 60s of the last century, together with the term “virtual machine” means a product virtualization software and hardware platform.

types of virtualization

Picture 1. Type of virtualization

Virtualization technologies associated with the development of computer technology throughout the entire history of the development of electronic computers. With the emergence of computer technology, the developers always had problems that needed to be overcome, such as the dissimilarity and limitations of certain implementations of the components of computers, unifying their connection and show them the purpose of the program of and the operator of the system in the form of abstract interfaces, unfasten a specific implementations. Virtualization technologies specific instruments have been and are used to solve various technical problems of designing computers, some have found a map in such technical solutions, as well as technologies for planning actions and the provision of multi-tasking operator of the system, understanding the different levels of memory in the form of virtual memory with a common addressing system Virtualization device input-output operator Unix and Linux, virtualization, network interfaces, and many others. Simultaneously address the overall goal of virtualization computing node in order to optimize operation with hardware-software system.

To date, the period of virtualization technology has gained extensive spread of the presence of designing IT infrastructures as a result of the ability to more effectively apply the existing special equipment and dispose of existing resources, so we have provided absolutely not previously known benefits, such as:

- the likelihood of a move virtual machines among the servers and networks according to different storage media by presenting the virtual machines in the form of regular files,

- to keep the probability of the absolute position of a virtual machine with support for technology instant pictures (snapshot) and is easy to move between the states,

- to move the virtual machine from functioning completely full range of software from one server to another in the absence of substantive work perfectly all the running services through technology

- dynamic balance between overload virtualized server virtualization means.

- wholly isolate virtual machines in order to provide informative security, for example in order to test the software.

- the creation of fault-tolerant clusters of conclusions and means of virtualization

Aside from the obvious technical superiority in the design of the IT infrastructure, virtualization processes have made a significant contribution to shaping the potential to provide the educational process in the field of information technology. It became possible to active formation of test benches and educational grounds, replacing pre-configured virtual machines, experiment with different systems and network topologies in the absence of the heavy costs of time and based on the existing equipment. Due to the virtualization technology has become possible to carry out the preparation and implementation of forecasting in areas that relate to the computation of heterogeneous IT infrastructures, to enter into a substantial number of copies of virtual machines based on the not very large number of consolidated northern capacity prediction of multiprocessor systems to problems of multithreaded programming, forecasting various network tasks.

At present, the projects of IT infrastructure virtualization is rapidly implemented by numerous major companies engaged in system integration and authorized partners representing providers of virtualization. I.e., virtualization itself has practical skills for the student.

The scope of the use of virtualization, it is possible to define as “the main role, where there is a PC.” I.e., trainees have the opportunity to work not only at the Institute, but in different required under Hardware criterion circumstances. A simple (but not according to ability) model of virtualization platforms can be a tool “Virtual Box” company Oracle (originally Sun Microsystems), which is an advantage, in addition to functionality, possibly supplemented by circumstance unimpeded dissemination (free of charge).

Advantages of approach:

-get in hardware associated with server consolidation.

-the possibility of strengthening the long-standing operator systems in order to provide compatibility.

-the ability to separate a potentially unsafe environment.

-the ability to develop the necessary hardware configurations.

-virtual machines have all the chances to generate presentation devices, you do not have any.

-on a single host may be running at the same time, a number of virtual machines connected to a virtual network.

-virtual machines provide excellent training to work according to the ability of the operating system.

-virtual machines increase mobility.

-virtual machines have all the chances to be formed in the “application packages”.

-virtual cars more manageable.

It should be noted that almost any of the mentioned advantages may be used in the laboratory or research activities with the aim of information technology disciplines.

Disadvantages of the method:

-impossible emulation absolutely all devices.

-virtualization of require additional hardware resources.

-some virtualization platform demanding certain hardware

-good virtualization platform stand optimum cash.

At present, the virtual system is widely used in our branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology. Most of the laboratory and practical work on the subject “Computer systems and connections”, “Safety of life activity”, “Software Packages practical arithmetic”, “Webs and the systems of the information transferring,” and almost all the other subjects in the absence of these systems are studied by university students enabling them to clearly acquire information of the studied processes. So that, when working with virtual machines formed the question of server technology has appeared. Its price and utility to use very thoroughly depend on the mortgaged power, and thus also on the software. Using a large number of “categorical” servers small capacity (depending on the task) or to bet on the multitasking and to reduce the number of servers by increasing the capacity of the reserve and hardware virtualization. As a result, our choice fell on pretty strong server virtual machines.

In this paper an attempt, firstly, to formalize and generalize the problems facing scientific or educational institution that tries to use the virtualization technology and cloud computing in order to create educational grounds. Secondly, choose the best means of open source, if any exists. Thirdly, do to the required research, refinement and improvement with the aim of matching hardware and software characteristics of the cloud delivery model. The fourth, trimmed to plan a workable solution that satisfies the objectives of the scientific or educational institutions under this category.

The complexity of the implementation of a huge number of problems identified subsystems, entering into the infrastructure of virtual polygons, and the need to ensure the coordinated work of all subsystems is absolutely established to address the problem, as well as the lack of literature in accordance with the construction of such systems.

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