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UDC 621.359.4
Vozmilov Alexander Grigoryevich1, Andreyev Leonid Nikolaevich2, Yurkin Vladimir Valerevich3
1State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, doctor of technical sciences, professor of energy agriculture
2State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, candidate of technical science, assistant professor of energy agriculture
3State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, graduate student of energy agriculture
1State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, doctor of technical sciences, professor of energy agriculture
2State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, candidate of technical science, assistant professor of energy agriculture
3State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, graduate student of energy agriculture
This article provides an overview of modern micro-controllers and sensors dusty climate. The analysis showed that climate controllers designed for agriculture do not allow to control the concentration of dust in livestock buildings. In connection with this problem ceases to control the level of dust and microorganisms in these areas.
Keywords: climate controller, decontamination, Livestock, recycling, sensor dust, the maximum allowable concentration
Article reference:
Analysis controllers climate livestock buildings // Modern technics and technologies. 2013. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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