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UDC 656.13
Krupnova Tatyana Georgievna1, Mashkova Irina Vyacheslavovna2, Kostryukova Anastasia Mihailovna3
1South Ural State University, PhD in Chemical Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
2South Ural State University, PhD in Biological Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
3South Ural State University, PhD in Chemical Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
1South Ural State University, PhD in Chemical Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
2South Ural State University, PhD in Biological Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
3South Ural State University, PhD in Chemical Science, Assistant Professor of the Ecology and Nature Management Department
This article provides an overview of petrol and diesel fuels to meet their quality of existing state standards. Studies show a deviation from the standards of the majority of samples, which adversely affects the operation of the motors and environmental safety car.
Article reference:
Investigation of environmental and quality standards of motor fuels // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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