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UDC 531.8; 621.8 (28.001.2); 621.73
Javtoushenko Aleksandr Viktorovich1, Javtoushenko Anna Vladimirovna2, Kalantaeva Olga Aleksandrovna3
1Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of metal forming
2Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of metal forming
3Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages
1Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of metal forming
2Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of metal forming
3Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages
Considered are the issues of kinematic analysis crank-slider desaxial mechanism, necessary for further synthesis mechanism taking into account features of its use in the Executive mechanisms of the crank presses and mechanization means. Defined the function of position and the transfer functions of the mechanism. Presents the dependences for solving the inverse problem of the analysis of the mechanism. Presents exact and approximate dependences for calculation of kinematic characteristics of the mechanism. Shows the influence of the degree of desaxial on the character of changes of main kinematic characteristics of the mechanism. The use of a mechanism with a negative desaxial provides increase in the number of legal moves the slider up to 8-10 % with the provision set the speed of the RAM on the site of the stroke. Defines the main kinematic advantages desaxial mechanism.
Keywords: analysis, crank-slider mechanism, desaxial, function provisions, pressure angle, ratio of average speed, synthesis, transfer function
Article reference:
Kinematic characteristics desaxial-bar slider-crank mechanism crank presses // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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