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UDC 681.32
Pavlik Anna Vladimirovna1, Dergachev Vladimir Andreevich2, Savelyev Anatoly Semenovich3, Anikin Andrey Nikolaevich4
1National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Assistant
2National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
3National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
4National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
1National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Assistant
2National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
3National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
4National Aerospace University «Kharkiv aviation institute», Ukraine, Phd in Technical Science, Assistant Professor
The problem of management automation is considered by multifactorial experiment. The automated system is developed for carrying out of experiment. The structure of the automated system is resulted.. In a basis of work use of optimum combinatory plans of experiment lays.
Keywords: automation, factor, management, planning of experiment, reliability, system
Article reference:
Automation of multifactorial experiment carrying out // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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