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UDC 621.833.6
Nesmiyanov Ivan Alekseevich1, Havronin Victor Petrovich2, Kareva Natalia Viktorovna3
1Volgograd State Agricultural University, PhD, Head of the Department "Mechanics"
2Volgograd State Agricultural University, Ph.D., assistant professor of "Mechanics"
3Volgograd State Agricultural University, Ph.D., assistant professor of "Mechanics"
1Volgograd State Agricultural University, PhD, Head of the Department "Mechanics"
2Volgograd State Agricultural University, Ph.D., assistant professor of "Mechanics"
3Volgograd State Agricultural University, Ph.D., assistant professor of "Mechanics"
We offer a design that combines the properties of the planetary differential gear and variator, with a view to stepless speed regulation of the output shaft. Are general cases of determining the gear ratio of the proposed transfer.
Article reference:
Planetary differential variator // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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