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UDC 621.7
Savin Igor Alekseevich1, Kayumov Almaz Firdavisovich2, Gavariev Renat Vilsorovich3
1Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, Ph.D., Head of Department, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
2Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, student, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
3Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, assistant, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
1Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, Ph.D., Head of Department, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
2Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, student, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
3Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev – KAI, assistant, Department of Engineering and technology engineering industries
In this article decry electro impulse metalworking, which refers to non-traditional methods of metalworking. On the basis of research found that machining of electro-discharge practically irreplaceable in tools production.
Keywords: anode, cathode, electro-discharge machining, electrode, profile tool, wire
Article reference:
Electro impulse metalworking as irreplaceable method in tools production // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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