UDC 331.452


Fadeeva Galina Dmitreevna1, Garkin Igor Nicolaevich2, Zabirov Ali Ilyasovich3
1Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Associate Professor, Univ. "Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling"
2Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, graduate student of Department. "Building Structures"
3Penza State Agricultural Academy, Ph.D., assistant professor of "Operation tractor fleet"

The article analyzes state of labor protection in industrial enterprises of foreign countries (United States and United Kingdom). Ways to reduce injuries in these countries.

Keywords: accident, experience of foreign countries, health and safety

Article reference:
Occupational safety and: international experience // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/en/2014/06/4012

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