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UDC 004.942
Zakharova Elena Anatolevna
Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Economics and Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Technology and technical disciplines Profit educational institution of higher professional education «Srednerussky Humanities and Technology Institute»
Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Economics and Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Technology and technical disciplines Profit educational institution of higher professional education «Srednerussky Humanities and Technology Institute»
In article the main applied software products used by experts in the field of instrument making are considered, short comparison is carried out them and the conclusion about applicability of each software product depending on its features is drawn. Relevance of a subject consists need use of information technologies for increase of overall performance in the sphere of instrument making.
Keywords: analog devices, analysis of signals, creation of schemes, digital devices, instrument making, modeling of devices, virtual devices
Article reference:
Information technologies in instrument making // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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