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UDC 531.8; 621.8 (28.001.2); 621.73
Yavtushenko Alexander Viktorovich
Zaporizhzhya national technical University, Ukraine
candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of metal forming
Zaporizhzhya national technical University, Ukraine
candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of metal forming
Considered the questions of synthesis dasaxulia-bar slider-crank mechanism used in the Executive mechanisms of the mechanical presses and various means of mechanization. Summarizes the problem of synthesis of such mechanisms, taking into account the specifics of their operation and use. Considered several variants of synthesis with different source data. In all variants of synthesis problem simultaneously set several conditions of synthesis, which requires the determination of the relationship of the estimated parameters. Special attention is paid to problems in which one of the conditions of synthesis is providing limited corners pressure. It is shown that most of the tasks of synthesis have an analytical solution for the problem of synthesis, which is based on the nonlinear algebraic equation, a simple algorithm for the approximate solutions. Analytical dependences uniquely define the parameters of the mechanism that meets the objectives of synthesis.
Keywords: actuator, constraints, desaxial, function, pressure angle, setting the target, synthesis
Article reference:
Methods for the synthesis of slider-crank mechanism crank presses // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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