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UDC 621.3
Iakovleva Emiliia Vladimirovna1, Baburin Sergey Vasilievich2
1National mineral resources university (University of Mines), PhD in technical science, assistant of the Electric Engineering, Electrical Energetics and Electromechanics Department
2National mineral resources university (University of Mines), PhD in technical science, associate professor of the Electric Engineering, Electrical Energetics and Electromechanics Department
1National mineral resources university (University of Mines), PhD in technical science, assistant of the Electric Engineering, Electrical Energetics and Electromechanics Department
2National mineral resources university (University of Mines), PhD in technical science, associate professor of the Electric Engineering, Electrical Energetics and Electromechanics Department
This article deals with the reliability calculation of electrical complex with photovoltaic power plant EC PVPP. For the calculation was analyzed previously developed EC PVPP using software system "ARBITR". Calculation of EC PVPP reliability is a necessary stage in the development of hybrid power control system based on renewable energy sources.
Keywords: autonomous energy source, electrical complex with photovoltaic power plant, logical-and-probabilistic simulation, reliability index
Article reference:
Reliability calculation of electrical complex with photovoltaic power plant // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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