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UDC УДК 637.115
Katolitskij Nikita
Stavropol state agrarian University
Stavropol state agrarian University
The article describes the need for mechanization milking milk. The main objective of increasing the mechanization of milking machine is to increase the amount of milk produced. To achieve this, it is necessary in the period of greatest milking animals provide a complete removal of milk from the teat cups podsoskovyh cameras. When there is a decrease of the voltage of the udder, the wires Machines dodaivanie. This process occurs with one hand by pulling the teat cups for the collector downwardly and forwardly. It is important to massage the other hand and control the cow's udder. The paper describes the structure of two-and trehtaktnyh milking machines. In milking machines generally consist of a teat cup, a collector pulsator and the milking pail special rubber tubes. The principle of operation of milking machines is not very different for each model and it has a similar principle. Work conventional milking machine is very unusual and the basis for a two-stroke milking. A feature is a rubber tube, which is inside the metallic cylinder. This placement allows you to podsoskovuyu and a closed chamber. In podsoskovoy vacuum chamber is maintained constant, and in the interspace is provided by a variable vacuum. Excretion milk adjusted due to the fact that in one phase the air is sucked, and the other - fed. Responsible for the vacuum pulsator and collector distributes milk into glasses. The purpose of the article is to show the advantages of machine milking on hand milking. This paper describes the principle of operation of milking machines and their comparative characteristics.
Article reference:
Principle of operation of milking machines // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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