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UDC 533.9.03
Ramazanov Alexander Najmudinovich1, Kostrin Dmitry Konstantinovich2
1Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university, student of faculty of electronics,
2Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university, scientific supervisor, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of electronic devices and instruments
1Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university, student of faculty of electronics,
2Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university, scientific supervisor, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of electronic devices and instruments
In this article the design of discharge systems, allowing to provide the appearance of intense emission spectral lines of the elements dissolved in liquid is discussed.
Keywords: discharge system, emission spectrum, water composition analysis
Article reference:
Discharge systems for spectrochemical analysis // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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