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UDC 681.518.5
Rumbeshta Valentin Aleksandrovich1, Symuta Nikolay Aleksandrovich2, Moshynets Yan Aleksandrovich3, Glazov Sergey Andreevich4, Shupichenko Anastasia Andreevna5
1National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the department of production of devices
2National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», assistant of the department of production of devices
3National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Master of Science of the department of production of devices
4National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Master of Science of the department of production of devices
5National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Student of the department of Mechanics of Material Plasticity and Resource Saving Processes
1National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the department of production of devices
2National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», assistant of the department of production of devices
3National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Master of Science of the department of production of devices
4National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Master of Science of the department of production of devices
5National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Student of the department of Mechanics of Material Plasticity and Resource Saving Processes
In this work main calculations are done to create a mathematical model of a vibroacoustic wave which goes through a solid medium and a boundary between different environments of an acoustic channel. The development of the body of mathematics allows us to create a model of a vibroacoustic wave’s passage through mechanical system of measuring channel for surveillance system and diagnostics of a machining process.
Article reference:
The passage of sound waves through the mechanical system of the measuring channel // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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