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UDC 004.41
Shchukova Kristina Borisovna1, Tokareva Olga Sergeevna2, Miroshnichenko Evgeniy Aleksandrovich3
1National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, master student, DEP. computing
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, candidate. tech. Sciences, associate Professor, DEP. computer engineering, researcher of the Institute of chemistry SB RAS
3National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, candidate. tech. Sciences, associate Professor, DEP. computing
1National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, master student, DEP. computing
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, candidate. tech. Sciences, associate Professor, DEP. computer engineering, researcher of the Institute of chemistry SB RAS
3National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, candidate. tech. Sciences, associate Professor, DEP. computing
The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need of database development for the central storage of the geobotanical big data and the information system providing a user-friendly interface, also sufficient functional capabilities for its maintenance and reporting. The main aim of the study is to develop the information system for geobotanical descriptions maintenance while studying a landscape. The information system stands for collecting, storing and processing geobotanical data. The methods. The database was developed via the bottom-up design approach and ER-model (Entity-Relationship). The information system design was carried out by graphic and functional simulation methodologies – UML (Unified Modeling Language) and IDEF0 (Integrated Definition Function Modeling). It was implemented in Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2008 via Object Oriented Programming. The results. The structure of the geobotanical data obtained from field studies, was considered. The authors developed the database of geobotanical sample plot descriptions while studying a landscape and information system for its maintenance that provides a central data storage, data processing and agile reporting. At the moment, the information system for maintaining geobotanical sample plot descriptions is tested by the Institute of Steppe in Orenburg, Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS). In future, database structure and information enhancement by connecting with Google Earth and importing data obtained from GPS (Global Positioning System) files is being planned in order to carry out a biomorphological and phytocoenotic vegetation analysis.
Keywords: database, database management system, Geobotanical description, information system, landscape, look-up table., sample plot
Article reference:
Information system for geobotanical descriptions while studying a landscape // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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