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UDC 621.313.282
Laguta Ivan Ivanovich
Stavropol State Agrarian University
Stavropol State Agrarian University
In this paper, a method of bringing weight and size of the linear motor to a minimum. It is necessary to conserve electrical steel and magnet wires in the manufacture of a workable design of the linear motor, which will have sufficient force on the motor armature to move the working mechanism. The most important of these characteristics are magnetic and thermal envelopes. The article provides a method of calculating the size of the magnetic and thermal linear motors. The proposed method allows to obtain the optimal parameters of the geometric dimensions of the magnetic system and the armature magnetizing coil linear motor. To use the proposed method is sufficient to consider only one part of the magnetic circuit to the right of the axis of symmetry. Analysis of the active dimension shows the ineffectiveness of increasing the window in the radial direction of the magnetic circuit. Best specific indicators are linear motors horizontal row, which need to be guided in the development of linear motors. Such an approach allows to take into account the objective consumption of electrical steel for the manufacture of magnetic cores, as well as copper and insulation materials for the manufacture of magnetizing coils. The aim of the article is to simplify the existing methods of calculation of magnetic systems. Since the linear motor are custom designs, the proposed method is suitable for engineering calculation of prototypes, it saves time and development effort in the early stages of design. The article concluded that the optimal design of horizontal linear motors. The article will be useful for students of technical specialties and designers involved in the development of linear motors, the sizing of the magnetic system of linear motors.
Keywords: engineering calculation, forward movement, linear motor, the anchor of the linear motor, the magnetic envelope, the magnetic system, the magnetizing coil, thermal envelope
Article reference:
The magnetic envelope of the linear motor // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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