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UDC 629.7.06
Patsievskiy Anatoliy Aleksandrovich
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia”
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia”
On-orbit thermal control issue is one of the most actual problems during spacecraft design. Thermal control subsystems’ necessity of energy consumption reduction and reliability increase suggests the application of predominantly passive thermal control solutions without required external control and power supply.
Spacecraft external surfaces’ optical screens, based on the thermomechanical effect, allow to effectively regulate radiative surface and, therefore, to reduce unregulated thermal energy loss, resulting in compensating heaters energy consumption reduce.
Keywords: optical screens, thermal conditions, thermal control, thermomechanical effect
Article reference:
Spacecraft’s external surfaces’ optical screens // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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