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UDC 69.059.14
Zheltov Mikhail Ivanovich1, Bespalyj Nikolaj Vladimirovich1, Goncharov Dmitry Petrovich1, Okulov Kirill Yuryevich1, Yefimov Alexander Anatolyevich1
1«Unified Technical Centre», expert
1«Unified Technical Centre», expert
Providing industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is needed to reduce and prevent the economic, social and environmental impact of possible accidents. This article presents the results of analyzing the examination of industrial safety of pipeline valves. The generalized concerning the technical condition of pipeline valves. Particular attention is paid to the surveyed pipeline valves, enacted in 60-70 years. 20th century, the life of which is 40 and more years, and the technical condition close to full utilization. The article describes the main types of limit state pipeline valves. It raised the question of non-destructive testing of valves to which access is limited. Proposed solutions to this problem.
It is also the subject of attention in this article is a method of monitoring and analysis of the mechanical properties of the metal fittings by measuring the hardness. The emphasis is on the need to improve the diagnostic information content of this kind of measurement and study patterns of change in the properties and state of the metal reinforcement in continuous operation. Based on the above information, the conclusions hold further improvement of non-destructive methods of diagnosing the properties of metals and methods of evaluation of the results. This article will be useful for managers, specialists and employees of hazardous production facilities as well as staff of expert organizations conducting industrial safety expertise.
Keywords: hazardous production facilities, industrial safety, inspection, pipes, shutoff valves
Article reference:
Features of industrial safety of pipeline valves // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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