UDC 69.059.14


Bogdanov A.P.1, Gaynullin A.A.1, Levkovich R.V.1, Naumov D.S.1, Ivanov Y.D.1, Belov A.A.1
1«Unified Technical Centre», expert

The approach evaluate the technical condition of excavators. The formula to estimate the residual life of the excavator, which takes into account the difference between the number of basic cycles and cycles spent resource, taking into account the deviation of technical parameters defining the structural elements with respect to their limit state.

Keywords: hazardous production facilities, industrial safety, inspection, non-destructive

Article reference:
On residual life assessment excavators // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/en/2015/11/8154

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