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UDC 681.513.2
Kogochev Anton Yurievich1, Lekarev Alexei Olegovych2, Gonobolev Alexander Sergeevich3, Komendatenko Svetlana Dmitrievna4
1Petrozavodsk State University, PhD, Assistant Professor of Department of Information Measuring Systems and Physical Electronics
2Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
3Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
4Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
1Petrozavodsk State University, PhD, Assistant Professor of Department of Information Measuring Systems and Physical Electronics
2Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
3Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
4Petrozavodsk State University, student of Faculty of Physical Engineering
Obstacle detection system for a mobile robotic platform is presented in the article. The general scheme of system operation which includes the controller Flymaple v1.1 and a set of ultrasonic sensors is shown. The algorithm of the obstacle detection system is also described.
Keywords: autonomous robot, control system, microcontroller board, mobile platform, obstacle detection system, range sensors
Article reference:
Obstacle detection system for mobile robotic platform // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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