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UDC 636.084.75–52
Nazarov Igor Vasilevich1, Potseluyev Alexander Aleksandrovich2, Tolstoukhova Tatyana Nikolaevna3
1FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
2FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
3FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
1FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
2FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
3FSBE HE Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department "Mechanization and technology of production and processing agricultural products”, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
This article presents a methodology for engineering calculations to substantiate the design parameters avtopoeniya ring systems with natural circulation of water and reserving capacity.
Keywords: a heating unit, avtopoeniya system, natural circulation, power, pressure, resistance to heat loss, system performance, the velocity of the water
Article reference:
Methods engineering calculations thermosiphon systems avtopoeniya // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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