UDC 631.374.001.5


Schwartz Sergey Aleksandrovich1, Semenikhin Alexander Mikhaylovich2, Dzreyan Vladimir Sergeyevich3
1Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, engineer, graduate student of Department «Mechanization of the production technology and processing of agricultural production»
2Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, professor of Department «Mechanization of the production technology and processing of agricultural production»
3Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd, graduate student of Department «Mechanization of the production technology and processing of agricultural production», engineer

Researches of processes of crushing and mixing of disperse sets are conducted in uniform technological space, timing of grinders-amalgamators-razdatchikov of forages is spent, lacks of the given type of cars are revealed, the constructive decision of the given problem is offered. Power technological and operational estimation grinders-mixers-distributors of forages on the basis of three-dimensional model is presented.

Keywords: activator, agrotechnological systems, device of preliminary crushing, mechanization, mechanized complex, power saturation, rulonirovanny hay, three-dimensional model, timing

Article reference:
Increase of efficiency of functioning of grinders-mixers-distributors of forages // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/en/2015/12/8857

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