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UDC 62
Popov Alexey Alexandrovich1, Baranets Andrey Stepanovich2, Gubanov Dmitry Valerievich3, Petukhov Vitaly Leonidovich4
1LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", general manager
2LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
3LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
4LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
1LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", general manager
2LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
3LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
4LLC "Center of Expertise of industrial safety", expert engineer
This article addresses the issue of technical diagnostics pallet containers for storage of hazardous chemical substances. According to the authors, this issue deserves no less attention than the examination of the chemical container
Article reference:
Survey pallets chemical tanks // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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