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UDC 004.056.55
Kutuzov Alexander Viktorovich1, Parnakyan Albert Albertovich1, Pospelov Pavel Andreevich1
1Russian Academy of FSO
1Russian Academy of FSO
The article is devoted to the main aspects dealing with the comparison of parameters of different encryption algorithms. In the framework of the comparative analysis were selected the following parameters: key length, the number of rounds of encryption, the length of the processed block, the cryptographic strength, the complexity of hardware and software implementation. As a result of consideration of public sources of information was the analysis of a number of existing block encryption algorithms identified the advantages and substantial disadvantages of the main representatives of these ciphers. Also it is concluded that the majority of modern encryption algorithms satisfy the necessary set of requirements in the field of cryptographic security, provide both software and hardware implementation and are widely used in various applications, including for the protection of information with limited access.
Keywords: block cipher, cryptographic security, cryptographic strength, encryption algorithm, software and hardware
Article reference:
Comparative analysis of some block ciphers // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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