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UDC 621.86.06
Udovkin Aleksandr Ivanovich
Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute
Ph.D., Associate Professor
A brief classification of agricultural loaders. Special attention is paid to the methods of aggregation loaders with basic mA-bus. It is shown that the main indicator regulating the security of work machines under consideration and their capacity is stability against tipping, which is primarily determined by youforest total reference design solutions-chassis (the shape of the support contour). Provides a method of assessing the shape of the reference circuit.
Keywords: C hinged system of the tractor, forklift, methods of aggregation, pressure, support contour, wheel
Article reference:
Agricultural loaders periodic action // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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