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UDC 69.059.14
Shulaykin Anatoliy Yur'evich1, Popov Maksim Aleksandrovich2, Kovalev Vitaliy Andreyevich3, Ivanov Aleksandr Vasilyevich4, Artamonov Yuri Sergeyevich5, Shurigin Alexander Evgenievich6
1«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, general manager
2«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, chief of department of BaS №1
3«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
4«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
5«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
6«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
1«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, general manager
2«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, chief of department of BaS №1
3«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
4«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
5«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
6«Unified Technical Centre» Co.Ltd, expert
This article discusses the conditions and advantages of phased array ultrasonic testing for. The results of non-destructive testing performed using the flaw detector A1550 IntroVisor tomography mode.
Keywords: non-destructive testing, phased array, the test object, tomograph, ultrasonic inspection, weld
Article reference:
Ultrasound diagnostic method using a phased array // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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