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UDC 681.5
Shishkinа Elena Valerevna1, Muratov Danil Shamilevich2
1Naberezhnochelninsky Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, student
2Naberezhnye Chelny brunch, KNRTU-KAI named after Tupolev, student
1Naberezhnochelninsky Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, student
2Naberezhnye Chelny brunch, KNRTU-KAI named after Tupolev, student
Problems of optimal use of resources, rise more than ever in recent years. And if in a global sense, it will reduce the devastating human impact on the environment, the scale of local enterprises, this leads to a decrease in production costs, and therefore to increase competitiveness. One of the key elements that can help reduce costs include reductions in raw material costs and materials, and the introduction of resource-saving technologies can help in this direction. For enterprise resources consumed can be attributed to electricity. The article deals with the selection of lighting management systems for the enterprise to optimize on power consumption costs.
Keywords: Lighting, reducing energy consumption, workplace lighting.
Article reference:
Selection of lighting control system for the machine-building enterprise // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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