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UDC 681.2.084
Strachilov Maxim Vasilyevich1, Blokhin Petr Vasilyevich1, Vasilyeva Mariya Valeryevna1
1National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, first-year graduate student of the Department "Computer Science"
1National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, first-year graduate student of the Department "Computer Science"
This paper presents the embodiments of active electronic filters based on operational amplifiers. The methods of calculating the characteristics of electronic components in the composition of various types of second-order filters based on the Sallen-Key circuit. With the help of tools computer-aided design (CAD) Multisim 11.0 held imaging frequency characteristics represented by filters; also shows a method of automatically synthesizing circuit filter on the set parameters by means of CAD.
Keywords: MultiSim
Article reference:
Design of active electrical filters scheme Sallen-Key // Modern technics and technologies. 2017. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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