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UDC 54.062
Andreev Leonid Nikolayevich1, Pavlova Polina Prohorovna2, Pinigin Sergey Alexeyevich3
1Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, PhD, Assistant Professor of Energy Supply of Agriculture
2Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, master student
3Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, master student
1Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, PhD, Assistant Professor of Energy Supply of Agriculture
2Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, master student
3Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, master student
The technique of definition of concentration of an ionol in a transformer oil based on chromanti-terrorist operation-massspektrometrii method is presented in article. The purpose and problems of practical researches are formulated. For realization of researches a number of the experiments establishing influence of heating and UF-radiation on the maintenance of an ionol is conducted and schedules of an expenditure of anti-oxidizing additive under the influence of various factors are made. Dependences of change of concentration of an ionol in time are received. The express technique of definition of concentration of an ionol in transformer oils. Processes of oxidation of a transformer oil are investigated. Processing of results was made by chromanti-terrorist operation-massspektrometra chromatogram fragments.
Article reference:
Studying an expenditure of an ionol in a transformer oil // Modern technics and technologies. 2017. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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