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UDC 007.51
Filofeev Sergey Olegovich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
bachelor of "System of information processing and management"
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
bachelor of "System of information processing and management"
Today many organizations, regardless of their size are paying a lot of attention to their web site design, usability, and promotion, neglecting basic security elements.
There were several acts of corporate web-sites hacking, which indicates a weak defense, and that an overload of one or more services can lead to faulty performance of web-servers.
This article discusses the steps to protect web-servers to prevent hacking attacks or eliminate their consequences. The described methods are simple to implement. As a result, any organization can use it in their performance.
Keywords: dos-attack, firewall, scripts, web service security
Article reference:
Security of web-servers providing // Modern technics and technologies. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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