UDC 007.51


Filofeev Sergey Olegovich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
bachelor of "System of information processing and management"

Today many organizations, regardless of their size are paying a lot of attention to their web site design, usability, and promotion, neglecting basic security elements.
There were several acts of corporate web-sites hacking, which indicates a weak defense, and that an overload of one or more services can lead to faulty performance of web-servers.
This article discusses the steps to protect web-servers to prevent hacking attacks or eliminate their consequences. The described methods are simple to implement. As a result, any organization can use it in their performance.

Keywords: dos-attack, firewall, scripts, web service security

Article reference:
Security of web-servers providing // Modern technics and technologies. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://technology.snauka.ru/en/2017/04/12968

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