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UDC 519.876.5
Tikhanychev Oleg Vasilyevich
Academy of Military Sciences
Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
Academy of Military Sciences
Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
The history of wars - it is always the history of weapons development. The history of the ancient Russian city of Kolomna, and the history of this fighting, and the history of the creation of modern weapons. It is on the territory of the city is located, "Engineering Design Bureau" - a leading Russian company on the development of anti-tank, anti-aircraft and portable tactical missile systems, as well as active protection systems. This year the company celebrates 75 years.
Keywords: Engineering Design Bureau, missiles, the development of weapons, the history of Kolomna
Article reference:
At the forefront of the scientific front // Modern technics and technologies. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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