Articles by keyword «компетентностный подход»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Разработка информационной системы для проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий

№ 5 May 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Tyuleeva G.V. Formation of readiness for future mid-level to professional activities on the basis of intersubject connections

January, 2012

Kolomiets S.M. System of higher education and the development of Russia

January, 2013

Nigmatzyanova G.H. The essence of the concept of «competence» and «competency»

November, 2013

Ryazantseva M.V., Subocheva A.O. Workbook on the subject «Documentary maintenance personnel management» as a tool for self-development and skills of students

January, 2014

Garkin I.N., Danilov A.M. Bachelor of applied: formation of professional competence

June, 2014

Lyapin V.Y., Komkova A.V. The need to change the emphasis in the development of information-analytical architecture scientific and educational environment of the University

December, 2014

Komarova Y.V. The use of human knoledge in learning a foreign language

January, 2015

Belousova I.D. The development of information competence of teachers using educational programs "Chronograph-simulator"

March, 2015

Rybkina S.N. Some aspects of implementing multilingual education in modern universities

March, 2015

Fedotova L.F. The role of philosophy in quality training of technical specialists

May, 2015

Kamenev K.K.V. Information competence as a key competence in modern education system

June, 2015

Ivanova I.V., Gutsu E.G., Kochetova E.V. Personal development teacher in the context of the implementation of the competence approach in education

July, 2015

Panchenkova M.F. Theoretical and methodological aspects of language training of future specialists for railway transport

September, 2015

Prakhova M.U., Zaichenko N.V., Krasnov A.N. The role of the state exam in implementing competence-based approach in higher education

January, 2016

Kartashova E.A., Shapoval G.N. Sociolizing potential of extracurricular activity of a student-medic

February, 2016

Nikonova E.R. Formation of the competentions of the «Architectural environment» during the independent work of students learning direction 03.07.01. «Architecture» (on the example of settlement and graphic works «Environmental analysis city territories»)

March, 2016

Prakhova M.Y., Zaichenko N.V., Iskhakova G.I. Some problems of Evaluation of professional competences’ formation for students of technical training areas

June, 2016

Kornilova A.V. The application features interactive methods in teaching tax courses

October, 2016

Aleksanova N.A., Kazaryan M.A. The use of the game method for the formation of communicative competence at foreign language lessons in high school

November, 2016

Malova I.E., Titareva G.A. Some methods of realization the modern bases of teaching mathematics at the university

December, 2016

Роль педагогической практики в формировании деонтологии компетентности будущих педагогов

June, 2018

Компетентностный подход в развитии профессионального образования

January, 2021

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Труфанова О.В. Роль игровых методов в преподавании философских дисциплин и формировании способности мыслить

June, 2012

Pachomova O.A. Methods and mechanisms of personal development in the university area

July, 2013

Novgorodova E.E. The main approaches to the definition of the concept «communicative competence»

December, 2013

Nagovitsyn R.S. Competence approach to the formation of athletic competence of future teachers

January, 2014

Monakhova L.Y., Fedotova V.S. Principles collinear and extras: competence and praxiologic approaches in theory and practice of education

May, 2014

Yaloza A.A. Mediaeducation formation as technology mediacompetence

June, 2014

Shesternina O.I., Egorochkinа E.Y. Analysis of application of educational technology in the content of high school training

December, 2014

Fedorova I.R. Historical and pedagogical analysis of formation of the theory of learning tasks (pedagogical aspect)

January, 2015

Kamenev K.K.V., Movchan I.N. The structure of Information competence

July, 2015

Porshneva E.G., Polozov P.Y. Distant educational technologies of military sub-faculties in civilian institutes of higher education

November, 2015

Tokmyanina S.V. Working with the written historical sources in history classes as a form of implementation of competent approach in school history education

June, 2016

Gagieva L.A. Pedagogical conditions of effective educational work in prisons

June, 2016

Soshnikov A.E. Use of mark and rating system in training of bachelors-culturologists

October, 2016

Kovaleva M.A. Extracurricular activities in high school as means of formation of competence at the time students

October, 2016

Alekseeva M.I. Tradition and innovation in modern higher education

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Horoshko E.I.

May, 2013

Karaseva E.M., Rak O.V., Shukmanova A.S.

May, 2013

Plotnikova I.E., Filozop A.A., But L.V. Проблемы и перспективы гуманизации высшего медицинского образования

February, 2014

Movchan I.N. Some aspects of formation of the concept «information» at students of humanities

May, 2014

Konyahina I.V., Ragozina G.A. Theoretical bases of formation socio - cultural competence in secondary school teachers intraschool for training in the development and implementation of competence approach

October, 2014

Kalintsev P.V. Practice-based learning of interdisciplinary course 01.01 Motor Vehicle Construction and Layout under the implementation of the FSES of third-generation in secondary vocational education

July, 2015

Soshnikov A.E. Concept of competence of the educational standard of the third generation

August, 2015

Mayorsky V.V. Particularities of teaching core subject “law” pupils of 10-11-th forms public humanities direction

September, 2015

Sharipova J.J. A critical analysis of competence-based approach in school education

February, 2016

Markarjan A.S., Popov S.V. Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm

July, 2016

Gulyaeva I.V. Working with mental maps as a technological component formation of communicative competence of students of secondary vocational education

January, 2017

Morokhova O.A. Teaching the discipline "Russian language in business documentation" in a law school: theory and practice

March, 2017