Articles by keyword «маршрутизация»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Об анализе эффективности применения метрики EIGRP-маршрутов

№ 5 May 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Podshivalova K.S. The use of external fictitious branches to find the radial routes

December, 2014

Podshivalova K.S. Use of the given dummy nodes and branches

February, 2015

Podshivalova K.S. Determination of ring routes of the smallest summary cost from two bases by method of dummy nodes and branches

April, 2015

Gudach D.V., Shchegoleva L.V. Modeling navigation of the platform with two displacement sensors

December, 2016

Перспективы развития IPv6

December, 2017