Articles by keyword «physical experiment»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Образование и развитие трещин в восьми - свайных ростверках под колонны при разрушении по сжатой зоне

№ 12 December 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kochetkova M.V. Education and development of cracks eight - pile grillage for the column at failure on the tension zone

January, 2015

Kochetkova M.V., Skachkov Y.P. Classification of cracks in grillage for the column at multiple row arrangement piles

March, 2015

Tumanov A.V., Kotunova M.A. Regulation of efforts in the reinforced brick diaphragms of rigidity on the basis of natural physical experiment

May, 2015