Articles by keyword «pipeline»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Применение систем технического зрения при диагностике состояния магистральных газопроводов

№ 5 May 2014

Актуальность применения радиоизотопного излучения в транспортной системе полезных ископаемых

№ 4 April 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Romanchuk V.A. Logical design of computer systems based on neuroprocessors

December, 2014

Zhulin A.A. Assessment of corrosion risk of the pipeline based on the measurement of electrical resistivity of the soil and stray voltage

March, 2015

Popov D.V., Zhulin A.A. Some aspects related ti the gas pipeline inspection in the zone of the stray voltage influence

June, 2016