Articles by keyword «потенциал»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Анализ потенциала солнечной и ветроэнергетики в России

№ 7 July 2017

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Valiev D.F., Safina R.N., Smirnov A.V. Definition, goals, objectives of the evaluation of potential employees

June, 2013

Mazilov E.A., Kremin A.E. Directions of development of human resources of entrepreneurship

October, 2016

Valeeva E.I. To a question of assessment of resource capacity of the region

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Gorbunov V.N., Dmitrieva T.N., Kot M.V. Structuring stages and directions of the functioning and development of regional industrial complex enterprises

August, 2014

Gorbunov V.N., Han'zhov I.S., Bajnishev S.M. Assessing the level of economic development based on the definition of integrated potential and risk

August, 2014

Izosimova I.Y., Rabtsevich A.A. Main factors of development of human resources in the enterprise

January, 2015

Soldatov Y.S. Evaluation of innovative potential of the company

April, 2015

Divak A.A. The analysis of staff potential in tourism industry in Primorskiy region

May, 2015

Grigorieva V.A., Pobirchenko V.V. SCO cooperation: prospects of interaction

December, 2015

Markova D.M., Fardzinova Z.A. Influence of road transport infrastructure on mobility of youth Vladivostok

January, 2016

Tiunova A.I. Advantages of free economic zone for development of socio-economic potential of Republic of Crimea

February, 2016

Syardova O.M. Potential supply chain management "supplier - customer"

May, 2016

Yamilov R.M. The cluster management of the economic subject as a way of overcoming deviations and distortions of the management process: identification, characterization, application

June, 2016

Rodionovа Y.А. Evaluation of entrepreneurial potential in the Kursk region

July, 2016

Babintseva E.I., Ivashchenko M.A. Innovative strategies in personnel management

December, 2016

Проблемы и перспективы развития туризма в Северо-Кавказском федеральном округе

December, 2017

Разработка и внедрение программы мониторинга здоровьесберегающего потенциала дошкольного образования

August, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Chernikovskaya M.V., Buceatchi D.A. Development of student potential in higher education

December, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Gorbunova E.E., Minkin A.V. The nature and specificity of development of intellectual and creative potential of schoolchildren

February, 2016

Articles in journal «Student Scientific Researches »

Romashkina V.V., Sarazov A.V. Prospects of Small Hydropower

June, 2014

Nenenkova A.Y. Sensory branding: synergetic potential of five sensory channels

June, 2015