Articles by keyword «прочность»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Свойства контактно-конденсационных геополимерных вяжущих на основе магматических горных пород

№ 12 December 2014

Эффективные глиношлаковые строительные материалы с использованием глины Южно-Башмаковского месторождения

№ 2 February 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Rumyantseva E.L. Analysis of the influence of synthetic gypsum suspension rheological characteristics of cement dispersions

August, 2013

Zhegera C.V. Additive, based on synthetic alumosilicates composed of tile adhesive

February, 2014

Parshina K.S., Gusev N.I. Organization of construction processes taking into account the stages of hardening mixture

May, 2014

Zhegera C.V. Investigation of the properties of tile adhesive using synthesized aluminosilicate

June, 2014

Pyshkina I.S. Structure and properties of synthetic supplements hydrosilicate for dry construction mixtures

June, 2014

Loganina V.I., Makarova L.V., Sergeeva C.A. The fillers for dry structural mixtures

June, 2014

Zhegera C.V. Effect of dispersion of additives, based on synthetic alumosilicates on the properties and structure of cement stone

August, 2014

Belyakovа E.A., Moskvin R.N., Moroz M.N., Belyakovа V.S. The possibility of using limestone powder for manufacturing high-strength concrete

December, 2014

Karabanova J.V., Harnaev A.V., Korovkin M.O., Eroshkina N.A. Research of clay of penza region deposits for the production of ceramic by dry pressing technology

February, 2015

Belyakova E.A., Moroz M.N., Moskvin R.N., Belyakova V.S. Possibility of using ground cement-ash binder for the production of concretes of a new generation

February, 2015

Gracheva J.V., Galova Y.S. Durabilities of concrete on the geoslag knitting

March, 2015

Eroshkina N.A., Korovkin M.O., Goryachev A.M. Influence of chemical additives on the shrinkage of floor cement mixes

March, 2015

Ariskin M.V., Garkin I.N., Dmitrieva N.E. Method of examination of constructions Silo bunker type

March, 2015

Ponomareva T.V., Koshkina N.V., Hryanina O.V. Geotechnical conditions of construction by of indigenous clays

March, 2015

Eroshkina N.A., Korovkin M.O., Tymchuk E.I. Effect of the geopolymer binder composition based on magmatic rocks on the concrete properties

April, 2015

Eroshkina N.A., Korovchenko I.V., Tymchuk E.I., Korovkin M.O. Geopolymer binder on the basis of fly ash and rocks

April, 2015

Korovkin M.O., Eroshkina N.A., Urazova A.A. Comparative studies on the influence of plasticizers on water-reducing effect and strength of cement in the initial term

April, 2015

Eroshkina N.A., Korovkin M.O., Polubarov E.N., Aksenov S.V. Thermal insulation geopolymer construction materials on the basis of opoka

April, 2015

Altynova A.E., Aidarova N.A., Sarkenov B.B. Research and development technology of production concrete using recycled waste of glass

April, 2015

Garkin I.N., Erkin D.V., Kormilitsyn A.N. Examination of building structures of industrial enterprises

April, 2015

Polubarov E.N., Eroshkina N.A., Korovkin M.O. Influence of complex additive on strength and water resistance of binders on the basis of magmatic rocks

May, 2015

Arinova S.K., Sarkenov B.B., Awkeev Z.A. Study on the technology of coal briquettes producing with given physical and mechanical characteristics under laboratory conditions

May, 2015

Polubarov E.N., Eroshkina N.A., Korovkin M.O. Influence of curing conditions and additive of slag on strength of geopolymer binder

May, 2015

Frolov M.V. Structure formation lime composites in the presence of modifying additives

July, 2015

Petrova E.P., Rakhimova N.A. Design and creation of compounding rubber products with improved performance and environmental characteristics , using shungit

February, 2016

Moroz M.N., Belyakova E.A., Moskvin R.N., Suzdaltsev O.V. Evaluation of hydrophobicity of decorative and finishing of concrete, hydrophobized powder additives

June, 2016

Petukhov A.V., Korovkin M.O., Eroshkina N.A. Application of high-strength concrete in tall buildings

March, 2017

Из истории создания САПР прокатного оборудования на Уралмашзаводе

October, 2017

Возможные способы повышения срока службы лопаток дробеметной головки

July, 2021

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kalashnikova E.F., Karmanova E.V. Implementation innovative teaching methods «Matryoshka»

September, 2016