Articles by keyword «расчёт»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Расчёт параметров циклично – непрерывных транспортных схем на примере проходческо-добычного комплекса с проходческим комбайном

№ 5 May 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ivanova T.N. Technological forecast of residual stresses during face grinding of plates

March, 2012

Hankina N.V., Kalistratov D.A. Analysis tools that provide automation of the hotel from the point of view of the client

September, 2014

Yakimov A.S., Lagunova A.A., Bazhenov R.I. On determining total cost of ownership of a website for travel company

September, 2015

Mustafaev R.A. The calculation and simulation of laser microphone

April, 2016

Устройство молниезащиты

November, 2018