Articles by keyword «ремонт»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Модульная система контроля, диагностики и оценки остаточного ресурса электропривода

№ 5 May 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Zakharov Y.A., Prokhorov D.B. Relevance of development and modernization of devices for dismantling assembly of hydraulic cylinders of mobile equipment

January, 2015

Zakharov Y.A., Sharagin A.E. Repair and restoration of flutes of pistons internal combustion engines of cars

January, 2015

Rylyakin E.G., Egin P.A. Design and principle of operation of the device for nozzles sprays repare

February, 2015

Imamutdinova E.I., Gorbunov V.N. Evaluation of the factor space, affecting the organizational and technological reliability of the repair and renovation of real estate

February, 2015

Rylyakin E.G., Egin P.A. Check and test of cars radiators after repair

February, 2015

Zakharov Y.A., Musatov G.A. Assessment of quality of electroplated coating of details of cars

February, 2015

Imamutdinova E.I., Gorbunov V.N. Approaches to planning and the choice of technology jobs in the reconstruction and repair work on real property

February, 2015

Rylyakin E.G., Egin P.A. Modernization of the repair equipment passenger transport enterprises

February, 2015

Rylyakin E.G., Egin P.A. Development of industrial equipment for restoration of hydraulic pumps

March, 2015

Zakharov Y.A., Sitnikov R.V. Technological equipment for repair and restoration of high pressure fuel lines the fuel system of the internal combustion engine of mobile technology and features of work with her

April, 2015

Novikova T.B., Makhmutova M.V., Guseva T.F., Vakhrushev V.I., Sedneva D.A., Klimov P.A., Ivanchenko A.Y., Ignatova T.A., Yakovleva M.F. Business process modeling "Accounting for repairs" for the purpose of improving the efficiency and functioning of the company providing repair services

December, 2015

Технология плавающего пола

November, 2018

Обработка бетонных, металлических и деревянных покрытий в строительстве

December, 2019

Способы и методы поиска неисправностей в радиоэлектронных системах

March, 2022

Создание платформы поддержки принятия решений для организационного управления в сфере ИТ-услуг и ремонта техники

April, 2023