Articles by keyword «СЭД»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Применение программы Mpriority для оптимального выбора системы электронного документооборота

№ 5 May 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kirillov A.G., Kourov A.V. Preparing university before integrating system of electronic document workflow

January, 2012

Bobik Y., Mahmutova M.V., Davletkireeva L.Z. Analysis of electronic document management systems in organizations on the example of the control engineering, transport and communication of Magnitogorsk Administration

December, 2012

Gabdulhakova N.K., Abramova O.F., Sviridova O.V. Research and development of optimum algorithm of functioning of electronic document management system for small enterprise

April, 2014

Glukhova Y.V. The use of hierarchy analysis method for choosing electronic data interchange

April, 2014

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Исследование ИТ -инфраструктуры проектной компании для внедрения единой информационной системы

November, 2013