Articles by keyword «Солнце»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Производство энергии как элемент экологической безопасности

№ 9 September 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Omurkulov T.A. Essence of the magnetic fields of the Sun

February, 2013

Zlobin A.E. Tunguska similar impacts and origin of life

December, 2013

Zlobin A.E. The most ancient theory of Atom. Stonehenge is distant Egyptian solar temple and ancient University

October, 2015

Возникновение Солнечной системы

August, 2018

Zlobin A.E. Long and curved avenue between Stonehenge and Avon River symbolize the body of Egyptian Goddess Nut. Cursus symbolize underground world Duat of ancient Egyptians

March, 2019