Articles by keyword «сосна обыкновенная»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Таблица сумм площадей поперечных сечений и запасов полных притундровых сосняков Северо-Востока Европейской части Российской Федерации

№ 9 September 2015

Направление максимального диаметра по сторонам света на территории Караульного лесничества учебно-опытного лесхоза СибГАУ

№ 2 February 2017

Articles in journal «Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management»

Weiss A.A. Effect of typological conditions on cross-sectional shape of pine trees at a height of 1.3 meters under reserve "Pillars"

January, 2014

Weiss A.A. Effect of exposure and steep slopes on the cross section of pine trees on visited 1,3 meters under reserve «Pillars»

February, 2014

Weis A.A. Form of cross section of trees of a pine ordinary (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the conditions of the reserve "Columns" taking into account typological structure

February, 2015

Weis A.A. The phytomass of needles taking into account distribution of trees in pine forest stands

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Zhuravlev K.A., Weis A.A. Variation of taxation indicators of pine plantings on wood types in flat and low-mountain conditions of the southern part of the Irkutsk region

March, 2016

Goroshko A.A. Cross-sectional shape and size category trees in the reserve "Pillars"

February, 2017

Goroshko A.A. Cross-sectional shape and size categories on the territory of the forest guard training and experimental forestry SibSAU them. M.F. Reshetnev

February, 2017