Articles by keyword «temperature»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Зависимость температуры и скорости горения волны СВ-синтеза от плотности шихты

№ 5 May 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Petrov P.A. Analysis of heat recuperation processes of catalytic reforming

May, 2014

Berestok G.M., Gulyaev P.Y., Dolmatov A.V., Milyukova I.V. Optical control system of thermal parameters of SH-synthesis process

February, 2015

Lisin R.V., Silaev A.A. Mathematical model of two-stage sulfur recovery Claus sru

June, 2015

Gulyaev I.P. The thermal efficiency of the plasma jet

December, 2015

Paniych D.S. Application of laser-plasma treatment to remove corrosion layer in the machine and steel

September, 2016

Dolmatov A.V., Milyukova I.V., Purgin A.M., Isakova I.M. Pyrometric study of structure formation in the stationary tungsten heating

December, 2016

Chikhutova A.D., Maslennikova A.S., Ermolaeva E.L. Influence of the air-thermal regime on health

April, 2017

Aliyeva A.A.q., Kazimova L.Q.q. Conversion of natural gasoline over sulfated (tungstated) zirconia-zeolite composite systems

July, 2023

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Sukharev E.M. The analogy between the temperature and the coordinate and its application in solving problems in physics

March, 2017