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UDC 615.849.19
Ruban Maryna Leonidovna1, Osadchyi Olexandr Vasilevich1
1National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
1National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
This paper considers aspects of the Luscher color test for determining human reactions conducted at magnetic-therapy. The essence of combination therapy, a combination of magnetic and laser radiation and their effects on the human body.
And the arguments put forward the hypothesis that the use of Luscher test conducted with magnetic-therapy and prediction of the human body for magnetic-course therapy.
This lets you control magnetic-therapeutic intervention in the course of physiotherapy, and allows for the selection of individual magnetic-therapeutic doses of radiation due to magnetic-radiation control parameters on the basis of changes in mental and physical condition of the human body.
Keywords: laser radiation, magnetic radiation
Article reference:
Prediction of human magnetic laser irradiation // Modern technics and technologies. 2013. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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