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UDC 621
Khoshev Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Penza State University
Post graduate student of the Department «Instrument engineering»
Penza State University
Post graduate student of the Department «Instrument engineering»
This article is devoted to analysis of the state in creating tensoresistive thin-film pressure sensors, and the study of the materials used for the fabrication of tensoresistive thin films. Given the description of the various alloys used for forming a thin film of tensometric elements. The main characteristic indices of the known alloys and their parameters are summarized in the summary table. From the analysis of methods for tensoresistive thin films concluded that promising meth-od is magnetron sputtering. Showing its advantages in comparison with the method of thermal evaporation in vacuum, which is widely used due to the simplicity of its implementation. The conclusion about the prospects of research towards the creation of tensoresistive thin films of high temperature materials, in particular from compounds of Nickel and Titanium. Set the main objectives of the research and development of tensoresistive thin films of Ni-Ti.
Article reference:
Tensoresistive thin films and their use in pressure sensors // Modern technics and technologies. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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