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UDC 621.9.025.74-415
Chemborisov Nail' Anvarovich1, Vysogorets Yaroslav Vladimirovich2
1South Ural State University branch in Miass, Faculty of Machinebuilding, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Department of Technology of Machinery Production
2South Ural State University branch in Miass, Faculty of Machinebuilding, senior Lecturer of the Department of Technology of Machinery Production
1South Ural State University branch in Miass, Faculty of Machinebuilding, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Department of Technology of Machinery Production
2South Ural State University branch in Miass, Faculty of Machinebuilding, senior Lecturer of the Department of Technology of Machinery Production
This article discusses the main types of wear-resistant nanocoatings, experimental data on the efficiency of application of the cutting tool with the coating on the cutting part of the wear resistant coating of titanium nitride. Explores drills, countersinks, counterbores, reamers, milling cutters, taps with a wear resistant coating and without the context of the production process "KAMAZ". The data obtained in the studies of all of the instruments shown in the tables are presented in the graphs and charts. Recommendations are provided to increase the resistance of the cutting tool, as well as optimization of instrumentality in the production process.
Keywords: nanocoatings, titan nitride, tool life, wear-resistant coatings
Article reference:
Researching of tool life increasing with wearproof nanocoatings // Modern technics and technologies. 2015. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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